Term & Condition 遊艇租賃細則
1. 凡租賃遊艇,承租方須先付一半租金,方為落實船期訂金,而餘款須於出發船期前七天前全數付清,如有取消,所繳納之訂金概不發還。
2. 若實際登船人數與租用合約上列明的登船人數不符,出租方有權拒絕讓多出之乘客登船..或收取每位額外增加之人數費用. 並不會作任何食物及飲品量之增加。如實際登船人數少於租約列明之人數,則出租方無須退還該乘客之費用。
3. 租賃人如於約定時間後兩小時沒有準時到達,而未有通知出租方,則作自動取消船期論,一切已付租賃費,將不會退還。 如租賃人欲提早回航,餘時不可另作補償。如欲加時,應預早與出租方聯絡,以便安排。如超時金額沒有預先擬訂,計算方法將按船公司收費作準。
4. 除承租方之聯絡人以外的任何人士無權更改任何租船信息.除非承租方聯絡事前主動通知出租方更改聯絡人。而所有額外加時/額外項目產生的額外費用均由客戶按照約定的付款條款直接與優遊海洋有限公司結算,船上船員不會為任何現金付款承擔責任。
5. 租賃時間乃由所租賃船隻到達碼頭之時間開始計算(包括輪侯泊碼頭之時間),直至回程後所有乘客及攜帶物件離開該租賃船隻為止。
6. 如在出航前機件發生故障,而船東未能及時修復,出租方將盡快通知承租方改期或以相約等級之船隻代替或退還租賃費用。
7. 若航行中機件發生故障,船長當盡其所能地選擇安全的方式送出租方或乘客回航。如用船時間已逾租用時間之二分之一或已抵達目的地,恕不另行補期。如若需要補期,亦只可改於同年度內之平日使用,或按租賃費用的使用時數作比例退還。
8. 所有船隻均按照香港海事法例購買合乎法例規定之各項保險,任何乘客應自行負責其本身之安全保障及自攜之財物。於出租船上發生的任何損傷或失竊,出租方恕不負責,但可代為安排報警處理。
1. For any rental of yachts, the lessee must first pay half of the rent as deposit to confirm the rental period. The balance must be paid in full 7 days prior to the departure of the yacht. Deposits will not be refunded upon any cancellation.
2. If the actual number of guests boarding the yacht exceeds the number listed on the contract, the lessor is entitled to refuse the exceeding number of guests to board… Or to charge on each of the extra number of guests without providing additional quantity of food and beverage. If the actual number of guests boarding is less than the number listed in the contract, the lessor is not required to make any refunds.
3. If the lessee did not show up two hours after the scheduled time without notifying the lessor, the rental will be automatically cancelled and all payments will not be refunded. If the lessee wishes to return the yacht earlier, no compensations will be made for the remaining time left. For extension of rental time, the lessor should be contacted for arrangement as soon as possible. If the charge for overtime has not been predetermined, calculations will be made according to the lessor.
4. Except for the contact person of the lessee, all other persons do not have the authority to change any of the lease agreements unless the lessee has given prior notice to the lessor to change the contact person. All additional charges arising from overtime and extra items shall be settled directly with AirYacht Company Limited in accordance with the payment agreement in the contract, crew members on board will not be liable for any cash payment.
5. The rental time starts when the yacht arrives at the pier (including the waiting time to dock) and it ends when all passengers and their carried items have left the yacht upon its return.
6. If there are any mechanical problems with the yacht prior to sailing and the owner failed to fix it timely, the lessor will notify the lessee soonest possible for a reschedule or make a replacement with a similar yacht or refund all rental fees.
7. If mechanical problems happened during the trip, the captain will make his best effort to return the lessee or passengers in a safe way. If the actual used time exceeds half of the rental time or the yacht has already arrived at the destination, there will be no make up schedule. If make up schedule is required, it can only be done on non-holidays of the same year or a pro-rata refund according to the rental fee and unused hours.
8. All yachts have purchased relevant insurances as required by the Hong Kong Shipping Ordinances. Yet passengers are responsible for their own personal safety protection and carried properties. The lessor will not be responsible for any thefts or injuries happened onboard, but can arrange to report to police upon request.
9. 如乘客需要自行攜帶或租用外部和附加電子設備(如揚聲器,DJ設備 ,拍攝器材等)請於租賃遊艇時提出,並經由出租方同意及安排使用。
10. 請盡量保持船隻清潔,垃圾請掉入垃圾桶及不要胡亂棄置海中。如乘客感到不適,可向船上職員尋求協助。如客人因嘔吐/各樣不合理的舉動而弄污船隻,需支付港幣$2000清潔費給本公司。
11. 船上不准携帶或吸食軟性毒品,如有發現報警處理,所有一概費用恕不退還。
12. 承租方要確保船上任何物品或任何附帶設施在使用守則法例或操作下使用。如因違反以上條款而導致任何財物受損或人命傷亡,承租方要自行負責賠償等損毀及其責任。
13. 出租方不提供兒童看護服務,父母/監護人有責任照顧好兒童之船上安全。
14. 本公司將保留拍攝客人活動的照片用於宣傳的權利。
15. 網站上的船隻照片只供參考,如與實際該船隻有差異我們盡力提升船隻照片質素。
9. If passengers will bring or rent other companies and its electronics (eg. speakers, DJ systems, photography equipment). Please notify the lessor during the rental process in order to obtain consent from the lessor so that arrangements can be made.
10. Please keep the yacht neat, trash should be placed in garbage bins and do not litter in the ocean. If any passengers do not feel well, seek help from staff members on board. If damages on the yacht are made by passenger’s puking or any unreasonable acts, $2000HKD will be collected as a cleaning fee.
11. Soft drugs are not allowed on board at any time, if found, law enforcements will be called and all rental payments will not be refunded.
12. The lessee should make sure that all equipment (including those that were brought on board by passengers) are used according to the code of law. If there are any breaching of the law that causes any property damage, injuries or fatalities, the lessee will be fully responsible for the compensation of such incidents.
13. The lessor will not provide babysitting services, parents/guardians are responsible to look after children on board and their safety.
14. The company will remain the right to keep customer’s pictures as advertising usage.
15. Pictures of yachts on the website are only for reference purposes, if there are differences with the actual yacht, we will try our best to increase the picture qualities.
16. 如因天氣轉變或安全理由,船長有權決定選擇較安全的航線及碼頭登岸。
17. 如出航前香港天文台發出一號戒備信號或紅色暴雨警告信號,或出航前兩小時由較高強風信號改為一號戒備信號或黑色暴雨警告信號改為紅色暴雨警告信號,所租賃的船隻將依時開航。如承租方仍需要改期,則不論原初擬定之租賃日期於平日或假日使用都只可改為同年之平日使用。
18. 於租賃時間內,旅途中轉掛三號強風信號,依海事條例及安全起見船長有權提早回航,餘時將不作補償。
19. 如出航前兩小時或開航前仍掛三號強風信號或以上烈風或暴風信號,或黑色暴雨警告信號,則當日行程一律延期,出租方將不會退款。有關重新安排租賃細則請看取消及重新安排程序守則。
16. If there are weather changes or safety concerns, the pilot has the right to make decisions on safer routes and ashore at the pier.
17. If the Hong Kong Observatory issued a number one tropical cyclone warning or a red rainstorm warning signal prior to sailing, or the warning signals changed from a higher tropical cyclone warning to a number one tropical cyclone warning or a black/red rainstorm alert two hours prior to sailing, th yacht will still leave the dock as the scheduled time.
18. If a number three tropical cyclone warning or a black rainstorm signal is issued during the trip, according to the Hong Kong Shipping Ordinances and for safety reasons, the pilot has the right to return early, the remaining time will not be compensated.
19. If there is still a number three tropical cyclone or higher tropical cyclone signals two hours prior to sailing, or the black rainstorm signal, the trip on that day will be cancelled and the lessor will not do a refund. Please refer to the cancellations and rearrangements code under the Air Yacht Rental Policies.
20. 承租方如需重新安排租賃內容,承租方需在租賃日期前14天通知出租方,將遊艇改於同年度之平日使用,有效期為半年。改期只能更改一次,並且原定之出租船隻將不設更改,一切租約文件須於租賃日兩週前與出租方協商更改,否則作自動放棄所有權利論。承租方如在少於14 天前知會出租方,出租方將不會重新安排租賃。任何訂金及已收取的款項並不會退款,出租方會保留最終決定權。
21. 若政府頒布的防疫措施導致私人遊艇無法合法出海,需於該措施撤銷後的半年內,延期或改期至平⽇使用遊艇,否則出租方或本公司不會退款或重新安排。
20. If the lessee needs to reschedule the lease arrangement, the lessee must notify the lessor at least 14 days prior to the lease date. The yacht can be rescheduled for weekday use within the same calendar year, with a validity period of six months. Rescheduling can only be done once, and the originally scheduled rental vessel cannot be changed. All lease agreement documents must be negotiated for changes with the lessor within two weeks before the charter date, otherwise, it will be considered an automatic waiver of all rights. If the lessee notifies the lessor less than 14 days in advance, the lessor will not reschedule the lease. Any deposits and payments received will not be refunded, and the lessor will retain the final decision-making authority.
21. If the Government’s recent epidemic prevention measures results in the inability to sail, a postponement has to be made within half a year, on a weekday, after the measures have been retracted. The lessor nor the company will not provide a refund or reschedule afterwards.
23. 食物和飲料訂單必須在租賃日期七天前全數付清,訂單一經確認將不得更改和取消,出租方將不會安排退款。因船期取消或改期情況下,本公司代租賃人預訂之物品及飲食,如因食物已製或其他因素,租賃人仍須自行如期到出發處取回食物及飲品並自行分發。
23. Food and beverage orders must be paid in full amount seven days prior to the rental date, once orders are confirmed, changes and cancellations would not be made, hence, the lessor will not make refunds. If the trip is cancelled or rescheduled, in place of the lessee, our company will reserve the food and drinks. If the food is made or due to other reasons, the lessee will still have to take the food and drinks on the scheduled rental date.
As a yacht sharing platform, Air Yacht Limited is a third party that coordinates and deals with yacht owners and customers’ rental affairs. If there are any serious accidents (eg. natural disasters) during the rental period, our company will serve as a coordinator to assist both parties to negotiate, but our company and the yacht owner do not have any legal responsibilities.
Air Yacht Limited’s service purpose is to provide a quality service, and a fair and compliant attitude towards our customers. We provide a safe route, professional analysis and values quality services as a goal, and we respect and uphold the Hong Kong Law.
According to the Hong Kong Shipping Ordinance, all rentals of local yachts are only for entertainment purposes, for any commercial purposes (selling of tickets) or carrying passengers are illegal. If there are any disputes, the company’s decision will be the final decision.